Faction Friday: The Dragon Slavers
A wealthy halfling, Harran Mialorn, has been cowed by a young dragon named Mezvorax into kidnapping people to be the dragon’s slaves. He and his followers (also slaves of the dragon) live in a bat-filled mansion. Each follower wears an amulet that keeps them dominated by Mezvorax. About a quarter of those kidnapped become working members of the … Continue reading
Faction Friday: The Rat Cult
The Rat Cult can be used either as a friendly faction that sends the PCs out on a mission, or as a foe that the PCs must overcome. The cult bases itself out of a hideout in the sewer system beneath the city. Edric, a young male wererat, leads the cult of a dozen disaffected youths. As a … Continue reading
Faction Friday: The Crow Bandits
The Crow Bandits can be used either as a friendly faction that sends the PCs out on a mission, or as a foe that the PCs must overcome. This group of outlaws wears crow-feather cloaks and uses trained wolves. They live in an abandoned temple, where their leader, Lathir Featherfall, found an old store of reagants and a spell … Continue reading
Faction Friday: The Frost Trolls
The Frost Trolls can be used either as a friendly faction that sends the PCs out on a mission, or as a foe that the PCs must overcome. It is led by Dolom, an unusually intelligent male troll. The group bases itself in a small, magical cave complex. As a friendly faction, the Frost Trolls are magical, neutral beings of … Continue reading
Faction Friday: The Wizard’s Tower
Coril Hawklight, a high-level wizard, lives in this classic wizard’s tower. He can be run as either friendly to the PCs, in which case he will ask them to recover powerful magical artifacts in return for a useful artifact from his own collection, or as an antagonist who has stolen a powerful artifact and keeps it in … Continue reading
Faction Friday: The Eyetooth Cult
The Eyetooth Cult can be used either as a friendly faction that sends the PCs out on a mission, or as a foe that the PCs must overcome. It is led by Bariam Incisor, an old human man who wears a black, hooded cloak and carries a gnarled staff. The cult bases itself in an abandoned crypt where … Continue reading