Tagged With: NPC

Random Idea: Joseph Hardcastle Corsbie

This is part of a series of RPG characters, creatures, and locations inspired by random entries from Wikipedia. The material I create may grow distant from its roots. Today we have Joseph Hardcastle Corsbie: a minor Canadian politician most notable for his three unsuccessful candidacies, though he found success elsewhere. This is a perfect example … Continue reading »

Categories: Random Idea | Tags: | 2 Comments

A Wolf of Shadow, from the Shattered World

This is part of my ongoing series on the Shattered World setting, which contains pieces you can drop into your own game. In this post, I’ll introduce one of the three major factions of the Shattered World, and a sample NPC belonging to that faction. The Empire of Shadow Over a century ago, a council of wizards … Continue reading »

Categories: Shattered World | Tags: | Leave a comment